The Mandate, The Mantle, The Ministry
And God said unto me…:
This mandate is birth out of the vision God gave me in August, 2001.
The Lord revealed in my sleep. It was like small house suspended in the air. This house was spectacularly illuminated by its transparent wall of green shining light(Emerald)
I was in it and astonished by its beauty. And I had some friends too with me.
Whilst pondering on such sight, I casted my eyes down on earth and what I saw was breath-taking. It was a very large sea of people, predominantly young people who were walking in a haphazardly, very disorderly manner. They moved but without direction, no focus or any sense of purpose. Out of the shock of what I saw I woke up but still under the influence of God’s presence. Like it was a short trance this time, Jesus appeared to me and spoke
“I have raised you as a great light among many that you will give direction, purpose, focus to these people who are lost and lost their purpose and let them look onto me- the author and finisher” (Matt. 5:14)
This is the mandate we’ve received and like a lighthouse on a hill we are to shine forth and bring Gods purpose to the lost.
My mandate to Europe just struck with a bolt of light when Babe just talked about the lack of prophetic direction in Europe and he said “…and that’s why many are so lost” the confirms my dream and my mandate.
The prophetic is a deep need in Europe and I’m sending you there! 2021-2026
This mandate is divided into two major phases:
The Airforce and the Ground troops
The Prayer Airforce which is in charge of the virtual and internet world) reaching out in prayer, miracles, counselling and the word.
The Vision: Raising the heads The Mission:
The Commission: Enforcing the mandate OF HEAVEN ON EARTH through prayer and the word. Interceding for the nation
Father, Faith, Fire
The Mandate: Rescuing Souls, transforming lives…