Gospel Talent Hunt…..”bringing out the star in you to the glory of God!”
It all started right there in my home church in the city of Port Harcourt in 2010. With a driving passion, I saw lots of talented youths around me and for the first time in my life I experienced something profound. I almost teared up watching Young talents winning amazing prizes in a contest and supported by their families beyond measure. Oh the euphoria, the joy, the unity it brings when friends and families support their loved ones in shining out to their full potential! It’s unexplainable!

“No man lights up a candle and puts it under a bushel….” Matthew 5:15

Sadly there are many candle lights burning but under a bushel.

The Gospel Talent Hunt was birthed from the passion to give a platform to undiscovered talents across Africa and beyond.

So in 2016, with just a simple step of faith and one platform, Westcoast Radio, I scouted out for talents across Gambia, by asking them to CALL IN and SING for just one minute LIVE on thw radio show, Gospelsplash. The response I got was net breaking, so overwhelming was the response that I needed help! More hands came on deck and the CEO of Westcoast radio sponsored all the prizes for the Season 1

By the end of the season, there was a great demand for a Season 2. In Season 2 the publicity skyrocketed, The National TV station (GRTS) Aired our Eviction vote, in the stages and Grandfinale, for free. At the eviction stages votes where coming in from different nations: Germany, Portugal ,London, Switzerland, USA, Turkey, Senegal, Ghana, Nigeria and many more countries. The National newspapers – The point and The Standard of The Gambia were present live to cover our grand finale and published. Amazing prizes were won but most importantly, Many “candlesticks” were brought out of their bushel, to the lampstand, to the glory of God

Gospel Talent Hunt became the number 1 gospel talent show in The Gambia and suddenly Liberia indicated interest, inviting us over to Liberia

We sense that this is a signal from God for a WEST AFRICAN GOSPEL TALENT HUNT.

Coming soon

Gospel Talent Hunt West Africa 2021

Partnering with us, is just an email away and someone at the other end is gladly waiting to show you how!
